Management report
"The museum is a living body, made up essentially of its workers, an extremely important human talent for making contributions, generating changes and consolidating these spaces, always based on the constant practice of ethical museum management."
Dr. Edgar Ernesto González
ICOM-Venezuela President
Featured events
Annual meetings held
2 General Assemblies of the ICOM-Venezuela 2019 Committee were held, which allowed sharing experiences and guidelines on participation in this instance.
New ICOM members
On May 18, International Museum Day, the call to incorporate new members 2019 was published. This emphasized the importance of attracting new members related to the museum world, active in museums and museum students. 100 applicants applied for new members, of which 49 were selected. These are in the process of joining ICOM-Venezuela
ICOM press releases on the state of the National Heritage
In 2019, 6 statements were made, related to the different events of heritage vulnerability, occurring nationally and internationally.
Statistics of number of museums in Venezuela
In Venezuela, there are 309 museums, cultural centers and heritage custodians, located in the national territory.
ICOMON 2019 meeting
In the ICOMON-Venezuela meetings, 20 financial institutions participated. The call was led by the BCV, coordinating body.
Venezuela's participation in Kyoto 2019
Through the ICOM-Venezuela Member Secretary, the museologist, Nathiam Vega, was present at Kyoto 2019.
Call for a new ICOM 2020 Board of Directors
In 2019, elections for the new Board of Directors were called. Two applications were received for the office of president. The ICOM-Venezuela General Assembly, meeting on January 29, 2020, held the elections for the new Board of Directors for the period 2020-2023. In this sense, once the required quorum has been verified to consider the election valid: with a total of 10 members, of the 19 with the right to vote.
The results were the following:
- Face-to-face votes: (8 votes).
- Votes per delegation: (2 votes).
The vote yielded the following results:
Edgar Ernesto González
8 votes as president
2 votes as vice president
Armando Gagliardi
2 votes as president
8 votes as vice president
Voting members, in person:
1. Edgar González
2. Armando Gagliardi
3. Melida Magician
4. Zuleiva Vivas
5. Melania Monteverde
6. Patricia Morales
7. Auramarina Lazarde
8. Nathiam Vega
Votes by delegation:
9. Jaqueline Rousset (Auramarina Lazarde)
10. Rebeca Guerra (Armando Gagliardi)
The final result
Edgar Ernesto González, President-elect for a second term.
Arando Gagliardi, Vice President of ICOM Venezuela.
They ratified:
Nathiam Vega, ICOM Venezuela secretary for a second term.
Patricia Morales, treasurer
Melida Mago, vocal 1
Zuleiva Vivas, vocal 2
In this way, the new board of directors of ICOM-Venezuela 2020-2023 was formed.
of the 40 years of ICOM Venezuela
New statutes
The preparation, review, discussion, evaluation and approval of the ICOM-Venezuela Statutes, which now consist of 6 chapters and 50 articles, was finalized in 2019.
Anniversary programming
The 1st MUSEOLOGICAL TRAINING DAY 2020 has been prepared
Edition 40 years ICOM-Venezuela. Three days of workshops to talk in November 2020 about the management and cultural policies of Venezuelan museums.
Logo design
The conceptualization and design of a logo that will accompany communications, POP material, digital media, RRSS, among others, for the promotion of the 40 years of ICOM-Venezuela, was finalized.
Proposal for the ICOM-News-Venezuela media
The proposal of 1 ICOM-Venezuela digital information medium was specified, as a platform for expression and communication of the members in the country. The first edition is scheduled for May 18, 2020.
DIM 2019 events
Events held: 2 events held
Opening of the exhibition: 1 exhibition on Patrimonial Custodians at the BCV
Publications: 2 digital editions on the Program of Good Practices for Heritage Restoration and Conservation. Árraga y Arte Nacional at the BCV.
Public attended: 2000 people
Events held: 10 events held
Conferences: 8 conferences
Forums: 1 forum
Concerts: 4 concerts
Publications (Museos.VE) : 3 publications
Museum Night: 2 museum nights, in which 450 people participated
Publics served: 3,000 people
ICOM Conferences
In reflections from Archeology . Emblematic cases, national perspectives and diverse spaces, multiple reflections - Cycle of Conferences 2019.
200 people were attended .
Workshops and presentations of the SiNM Training Program in Musology
In 2019 with 41 modules, until December 4, 2019. 857 professionals were trained, belonging to 365 museums, public and private cultural institutions in the country (multipliers).
Annual Report, 2019
ICOM-Venezuela presents the compilation of actions that characterized the management for 2019.