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National individual members:

Associates who have complied with the requirements of Article 8 of these statutes and who contribute to the support of ICOM-Venezuela will be considered members, once the necessary requirements for joining the Association have been met.


Ordinary: has a voice and the right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies.


  • People who work in a museum in any of its areas, as required by the ICOM definition. Also, volunteers from museums that certify their membership are included, on a regular and uninterrupted basis - frequently weekly - throughout the previous year.

  • Professionals in museology or people whose expertise and professional career are recognized by the museum community. These members may be detached (for a maximum period of two (02) years from a museum institution or as custodians of heritage assets, without losing the possibility of renewing their membership.

  • Professionals of museology who work in the design of museum or cultural heritage policies in management bodies, whatever the territorial level of their performance.

  • People who directly manage, without profit, institutional collections of public or private cultural heritage.

  • Teachers or officials in charge of academic collections, or exhibition spaces, not for profit.

  • Researchers or teachers regularly linked to a museum or an academic museology program.



Student: You have a voice but no right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies.


  • Students enrolled in a nationally recognized institution of higher education in a doctoral, postgraduate (or undergraduate program starting from the seventh semester), in any of the following areas: heritage, museology, cultural and heritage management, certified programs with emphasis in museum studios.



Associate: has a voice but no right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies.


  • Members of boards of directors or museum advisory councils.

  • Members of the boards of directors and directors of the associations of friends of museums.

  • Managers of museum and collection management institutions.

  • Researchers, or consultants, whose professional career is recognized by the museum community, who are occasionally linked to a museum or academic museum program.



Retired: he has a voice and the right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies.


  • People who have retired in the service of a museum (as defined by ICOM)



Honorary: You have a voice but no right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies. By virtue of the honorary and life character of such distinction, Honorary Members are not subjects of rights or obligations with the Association.


  • Person who has been awarded this distinction for extraordinary and outstanding services to the investigation, protection, conservation and dissemination of the nation's heritage or has provided services of extraordinary importance and value to ICOM-Venezuela



Donor: You have a voice, but not the right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies.


  • Natural persons linked in some way to a museum who wish to contribute to the support of ICOM with their membership fee. In no case, the number of donors may exceed 10% of the total membership of the Association, according to ICOM statutes.



Benefactor: You have a voice, but not the right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies


  • Individuals who provide the Association with significant financial or other support.







Institutional members:

They will be represented in all instances of participation of ICOM-Venezuela through an official who, in turn, is an individual member of ICOM-Venezuela in any category.



Ordinary: He has a voice and the right to vote in the Assemblies of ICOM-Venezuela.


  • Museums (as defined by ICOM).

  • Institutions or companies that wish to contribute to the support of ICOM-Venezuela, with their membership fee to ICOM and that contribute to the international training plans of its members and participation in Ordinary or Extraordinary Assemblies, convened by ICOM.


Donors: They have a voice but no right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies.


  • Institutions or companies that wish to contribute to the support of ICOM-Venezuela with their membership fee to ICOM and contribute to the international training plans of its members and participation in ordinary or extraordinary Assemblies called by ICOM. In no case, the number of donors may exceed 10% of the total membership of the Association, according to the ICOM international statutes.


Benefactor: You have a voice but not the right to vote in the ICOM-Venezuela Assemblies


  • Institutions or companies that wish to contribute to the support of ICOM-Venezuela with their membership fee to ICOM and contribute to the international training plans of its members and participation in the Ordinary or Extraordinary Assemblies called by ICOM.



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